Introduction to the Bay View Association
Bay View draws seasonal residents and day visitors from all over the United States to its annual Assembly Program and associated Music Festival. The Music Festival is nationally renowned and currently recognized as the longest running music festival in the United States. Festival students represent most of the 50 states and a number of foreign countries. Bay View is a seasonal community with residence limited to May through October. Many current cottage owners represent the third and fourth generations of their families.
About Bay View & The United Methodist Church
Bay View was founded in 1875 by Michigan Methodists as a camp meeting “for scientific and intellectual culture, and for the promotion of the Christian religion and morality.” At its organizational meeting, members elected officers and adopted the Articles of Association under the Summer Resort Act of 1889, a general law of the State of Michigan. The pastor of the Methodist Church in Petoskey served as the first liaison agent for the committee. Although conceived by Methodist clergy and laity, promoted by the joint Michigan Methodist conferences, and often sustained at critical moments by Methodist congregations, Bay View has been ecumenical in management and life. From its beginning, Bay View has welcomed persons of any denominational affiliation who have a desire to assist in perpetuating the Association’s principles and purpose. Bay View has consistently retained and continued to follow closely the principles of spiritual growth and cultural advancement initiated and steadfastly practiced by its Methodist founders. The resident bishop of the Michigan Area of The United Methodist Church is an ex-officio member of the Bay View Board of Trustees.
By the late 1880’s, the Bay View Assembly became a pioneering institution in public education with an ambitious summer university, a home study program enrolling men and women across the nation, and a Chautauqua series attracting tens of thousands of visitors. During the same period, Bay View developed into a community featuring Victorian cottages replacing the early “tent city”. In 1987 the National Park Service designated Bay View as a National Historic Landmark because it is… “one of the finest remaining examples of two uniquely American community forms, the Methodist camp meeting and the independent Chautauqua. Designed for the first purpose in 1876 as the country’s only romantically planned campground, and adapted for the second from 1885 to 1915, Bay View constitutes an extraordinarily well executed ideal Victorian community which, because of its continuing corporate existence and the ongoing collective values of its membership, remains in an excellent state of preservation of both form and spirit. Bay View is a major example of American religious, cultural, social, and educational ideals embodied in an artistically shaped community plan.”
In spite of the Assembly’s long history, many northern Michigan residents are still unaware that Bay View’s outstanding musical programs, Sunday morning worship services, and weekday Religion and Life Lectures featuring nationally known speakers, are open to the public.

A National Historic Landmark
Bay View Association, Emmet County, Michigan. Bay View, Michigan, is one of the finest remaining examples of two uniquely American community forms, the Methodist camp meeting and the independent Chautauqua. Designed for the first purpose in 1876 as the country’s only romantically planned campground, and adapted for the second from 1885 to 1915, Bay View constitutes an extraordinarily well executed ideal Victorian community which, because of its continuing corporate existence and the ongoing collective values of its membership, remains in an excellent state of preservation of both form and spirit. Bay View is a major example of American religious, cultural, social, and educational ideals embodied in an artistically shaped community plan.
To learn more about the history of the Chautauqua Movement in the United States, visit the Chatauqua Trail Network web site at:
History of the Bay View Association
In September 1875, a group of Michigan Methodists met in Jackson to organize a Camp Meeting, a popular form of religious gathering at that time, “for intellectual and scientific culture and the promotion of the cause of religion and morality.” They chose Bay View as the site because of its salubrious summer climate, its beautiful location on the shores of Little Traverse Bay, and its availability by railroad and lake steamer.
About Bay View & The United Methodist Church
The following year ground was cleared and tents put up to house the several hundred people who came for six days of religious talks and sermons delivered from the “preaching stand,” which was the first building erected on the grounds. It is now a part of the Bay View Historical Museum. By 1877, streets, parks, and public areas had been platted and twenty simple cottages had been built. Ten years later there were 125 cottages, a hotel and a chapel. The religious program expanded and grew into a Summer Assembly of eight weeks. Chautauqua-type literary and scientific circles were formed. The Bay View Reading Circle (1893-1921) had study groups extending across the country and included 25,000 members.
Bay View quickly became a part of the Chautauqua Movement, a uniquely American institution committed to bringing the four programs of Religion, Recreation, Education and the Performing Arts to a broad spectrum of the public.
Although Methodist in origin and still associated with the United Methodist Church, Bay View has always been ecumenical in spirit. Summer Assembly programs have included prominent leaders in all denominations and such universally-known personalities as Lorado Taft, the Chicago sculptor; Madam Ernestine Schumann-Heinck, the world-famous contralto; Maude Ballington Booth, the “Little Mother” of the prisons; Helen Keller, the deaf and blind lady who overcame her handicaps with great courage; Frances Willard, the temperance leader; Kate Douglas Wiggin the author of “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm”; William Jennings Bryan, the great political orator of his time; Dr. Booker T. Washington, the black educator; Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, the peerless Brooklyn preacher; Dr. Ralph W. Sockman of the National Radio Pulpit; and Dr. George Arthur Buttrick, theologian, author, preacher, and editor of the widely-used Interpreters Bible and Dictionary. Outstanding pulpit voices and stars of the Opera and Concert Hall have been heard in Bay View through the years.
The Summer Assembly Program, at the present time, carries on the tradition of the years. Artists and students of the Music Festival, activities of the Theatre Arts Department, Sunday Services of Worship and the popular Sunday Vesper Concerts bring thousands to the John M. Hall Auditorium each season.
Education has always been important in Bay View. A so-called “university” was begun in 1886 with many departments. The School of Music was the forerunner of the Conservatory which brings students from many parts of the country. Albion College conducted a summer school on the grounds from 1917 to 1969. A recently-introduced series of seminars offering training in a variety of skills varying from knitting and needlepoint to Spanish and bridge, together with the daily “Religion and Life Hour Forum” carry on the long tradition of adult education.
Recreation and sports have not been forgotten at Bay View. Tennis, swimming and sailing are enjoyed by all ages. An active program of clubs, games, athletics, crafts, camping, hiking and music for children of all ages is carried on under full-time leadership. A social program for Junior and Senior High young people under trained leadership, is centered in the “Rec Club” building on the beach. The Campus Club, a separate member organization, has its own building and provides indoor games and the outdoor sports of shuffleboard, croquet and bowling on the green. The Woman’s Council has been in existence for over 50 years and also has its own building, where weekly meetings are held with programs and social hours. The Garden Club has added and keeps adding much to the beauty of the public grounds of Bay View by planting and maintaining flower beds, ornamental boxes, and hanging baskets.
The Bay View Library was established early, and has been cited as the best summer colony library in the United States. The Bay View Historical Museum, organized in 1964, occupies the two oldest buildings on the grounds. Its purpose is to present a picture of early Bay View cottage life and activities, and to preserve the objects illustrating how Bay View pioneers lived. The Bay View Archives collects and makes available for study the record of the Association and other materials related to its history. There are now several families who have been a part of Bay View for six generations. Bay View residents have a great interest in the preservation and restoration of their cottages, most of which are famous for their Victorian “gingerbread” decorations. Evelyn Hall is known to be “one of the finest examples of American Victorian ‘Steamboat’ architecture.” The Centennial Celebration of 1975 created a further spirit of comradeship and pride in the Bay View heritage.
The residency period for cottagers is May through October. The business of the Association is cared for by a nine-member Board of Trustees, three of whom are elected annually and one of whom serves as President. The year-round staff includes the President, Executive Director, Business and Superintendent’s Office staff and Security. The community is comprised of more than 440 cottages, most of which were built during the first 25 years, and over 30 public buildings.
This summary omits the names of many devoted members of the Association who have loved Bay View, and through the years have given their support of both money and time to its program. Without this selflessness such a unique community of kindred spirits could never have been maintained against the prevalent commercialism of our modern age.
Bay View is still, as the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad in 1882 said in its Resorts of Northern Michigan, “Simply a collection of grand, good people of all creeds, who, because of common consent and under democratic government, flock here in the summer to renew their friendships and help each other to all other enjoyments possible.”
Arnold, J.F., “Bay View, The Summer City of Michigan” New York, The Albertype Co., 1894, reprinted 2002 by the Bay View Historical Museum.
Bay View Library Board, Historic Bay View Cottages: Bay View, Michigan 1875-1975. Available at the Library.
Doerr, Mary Jane, “Bay View: An American Idea” Priscilla Press, March 1, 2011.
Fennimore, Keith, “The Heritage of Bay View, 1875-1975” Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. B. Erdman Pub. Co., 1975.
Schloff, Charles E., “A Pictorial History of Bay View. Petoskey, Michigan” Mitchell Graphics Inc., 2000.
Weeks, John A., “Beneath the Beeches, The Story of Bay View, Michigan” Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans Printing Company, 2000.
Prepared by: Vernon L. Bobbit and the Bay View Historical Commission

Walt Byers
Walt Byers started coming to Bay View in 1980 and has been a leaseholding member since 1990. He retired in 2016 after a 40 plus year career in bank management and commercial lending. He and his wife, Nancy, now live in Petoskey when not at the Bay View cottage. He served on the Bay View Development Committee, past Chair of the Woods Advisory Committee, member and past President of the Bay View Racquet Club, Parade Master of the Bay View Fourth of July parade, and co-Chair of the Little Traverse Crop Walk that is held on the Bay View Campus each year. In the Petoskey community, he is a member of the Petoskey Rotary Club and a board member of the Crooked Tree Arts Center. They have 2 adult children, a son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren.

PO Box 201, Branch, MI 49402
Dan Mullen
Dan has been coming to Bay View since 1986 and married into the Bay View family in 1988. He became a Bay View member in 1998. His wife Marylynn Kidd Mullen and he are lease holders of the Dry Dock Cottage. They have two children Matt and Jackie and are enjoying their two grandchildren Leshoo and Hadley. He and Marylynn live in Branch, MI and are members of Ludington United Methodist Church. Dan attended Central Michigan University and has a BS degree in Planning and a minor in Recreation and Park Administration. He is a retired District Supervisor from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Division. In the past Dan has served on Buildings and Grounds and Operations here at Bay View. Marylynn and Dan are now both enjoying spending the summers in Bay View.

Martha Blandford
Martha is a fourth generation Bay View member and has been coming to Bay View for 58 years, since 1965. Her family represents six generations of Bay Viewers. She has participated in numerous Bay View activities over the years. Martha was a camper and leader in the Boys and Girls Club and enjoyed taking music lessons from conservatory artists in high school and college. In recent years she has served as the Chair of the Bay View Audit Committee. Community service experiences include Board and Finance Committee Porter Hills – UMRC (United Methodist Retirement Communities) Michigan, Board Chair Gerontology Network of West Michigan, Board member Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, and Board member Institute of Internal Auditors West Michigan. Martha is a CPA with a BBA from Grand Valley State University. She retired in 2022 following a long career as a CPA in the Grand Rapids area serving in both executive management and audit capacities primarily in the financial services industry. She is a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Venice, Florida. Martha and her husband Patrick Ladwig split their time between Bay View and Venice, Florida.

Dianne Boyd
Dianne Oniu Boyd first came to Bay View in 1969 and became a leaseholding member in 1991. She is a Registered Nurse with a BSN from Oakland University and is currently working as the Assistant for Worship and Liturgy and Parish Nurse at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, TX, which is also her home church. Over the past 25 years Dianne has served on the Theater Arts Committee, Worship Committee, and the Bay View 2000 special committee, as well as being the President of Morning Council. Dianne and her husband Timothy reside in Allen, TX and have 2 adult daughters.

Robin Sims Caldwell
Robin is a lifetime resident of Bay View and became the owner of the Thistle Dew cottage in 1974. She has been a camper and leader in the Boys & Girls Club, a member of both Morning Council and Campus Club, a member of the Finance Committee and served as an Assessor for the Bay View Board of Assessors. She graduated from Carroll University with a degree in Psychology/Sociology in 1977. She and her husband, Jon started Eye & Vision Clinics in 1981 and she served as its CFO/Clinic Manager for 35 years. She has a daughter, Rachel and a son, Spencer who are both lease holding members. She is a member of the First United Methodist Church in Green Bay, WI. Although she lives in Green Bay in the winter, she calls Bay View HOME!

Eric Breisach
Eric first came to Bay View in 1957, six months before he was born. His father taught history and philosophy at Bay View. Eric and his wife, Tobi, bought their cottage in 1999. Eric served on the Development Committee for three years and was the founding chair of the Legislative Committee. He is a lawyer and formerly a CPA. He holds a JD, magna cum laude, from WMU Thomas M. Cooley Law School and an MBA in Finance with high honors and a BBA in Accountancy, summa cum laude, from Western Michigan University. He is Treasurer of and Vestry Member at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Kalamazoo where he met Tobi in 1975. He served for 12 years on the Kalamazoo Public School Board and helped to turn around the 13,000-student urban district. During his tenure, KPS secured funding in perpetuity for The Kalamazoo Promise® that pays the college tuition of every KPS graduate.

845 Gaylord St., Denver, CO 80206
Barbara Dau
Barbara Dau is a third generation Bay View member who has been privileged to spend nearly every summer of her life in Bay View. She became a leaseholding member in 1992 and lives in the cottage in which she grew up. She has served on Bay View’s Finance, Development and Tree committees and was also a member of an ad hoc Fees and Taxation committee.
Dau has extensive governance experience through her service on the boards of Jessica Lang Dance Company, Pilobolus, the Morgan Library, the Hood Museum of Art, the Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts, the Nantucket Yacht Club, the Nantucket IOD Fleet Association, Nashoba Brooks School, St. Anne’s Episcopal School, Esperanza Academy, Dartmouth’s Class of 1978, the Dartmouth Association of the Rocky Mountains and her New York City coop apartment. On the majority of these boards she held executive positions including Chair, Vice Chair and, most often, Treasurer. Her not-for-profit service includes more than 40 years of annual fund and capital/endowment campaign fund raising for some of these organizations as well as for schools which either she or her three children attended. Currently, she is the Chair of the New York Yacht Club’s Fine Arts Committee. Dau graduated from Dartmouth College, received her MBA from University of Chicago and became a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). In addition to a brief career in the art world, she worked as a financial analyst in the investment banking and financial services industry for 15 years before leaving to devote more time to her family. Dau now works for her family’s wood laminates manufacturing business as Vice President, Strategy and Michigan Properties and manages her family’s foundation and financial interests. She became a resident of Petoskey, MI in early 2021.

Phil Moots
Phil, with his wife, Marilyn, has been a Bay View Leaseholding Member since 2016. He graduated from Ohio State University, BA and Harvard Law School, JD. Phil’s private law practice was primarily representing and advising public and independent colleges and universities and church-related organizations. He has served on numerous and varied nonprofit governing boards. At Bay View he served on the Board of Assessors, Executive Director Search Committee, Tree Advisory Committee, Jubilee Committee and is a Campus Club member.

Kirsten Lowell
Kirsten is a fourth generation Bay View member who has spent at least part of every summer of her life in Bay View. Kirsten became a leaseholding member and co-owner of their family cottage, Shearer Delight, in 2010. Kirsten became full owner in 2022. In addition to growing up through the recreation program and participating as a leader, Kirsten has served on the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Recreation Committee for 9 years, the majority spent as chairperson. She has also participated in Morning Council. Kirsten also served on the Executive Director Search committee.
Kirsten graduated with a BA in Speech Communication / Public Relations from Miami University in 1996. She worked in the Marketing department of a manufacturing company until 2003 when she stayed home to raise her family. Kirsten returned to this Marketing job on a part time, remote basis in 2022. Kirsten and her husband Todd live in Grand Rapids, MI. They have 2 children that are currently in college.

Bishop David Bard
Bishop David Alan Bard is the presiding bishop of the Michigan Area. Prior to arriving in Michigan in September 2016, Bishop Bard was serving at First United Methodist Church in Duluth, Minnesota since 2005. He was elected to the episcopacy on July 13, 2016 at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference held in Peoria, IL. He has been in ministry for more than 30 years and served in many roles within both the Minnesota Annual Conference and the General Church.
Bard was a General and Jurisdictional Conference delegate in 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012. He was an episcopal nominee in both 2004 and 2008.
Within the Minnesota Conference, Bard was chair of the Episcopacy Committee and the Higher Education Ministry Team, and he served on the Board of Ordained Ministry and the Congregational Response Team. He was also the conference parliamentarian. He was a district superintendent from 1998 to 2005 and spent three years on the Commission on Religion and Race.
Within the General Church, Bard serves on the Study on Ministry Commission, the Committee on Faith and Order, and the North Central Jurisdiction Committee on Episcopacy. He has also previously served on the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the Commission on General Conference, and the Commission on Theological Education.
Bishop Bard received a BA from the University of Minnesota, Duluth in 1981; his Master of Divinity was earned at United Theological Seminary, Twin Cities 1984; and in 1994 he received a Ph.D. from Southern Methodist University with a focus on Christian ethics
Bard has a wife, Julie, and three adult children. In his free time, he enjoys music, reading, baseball, and walking outside